We provide special education and related therapies in a therapeutic environment.
Variety offers preschool special education programs for children 3-5 according to their IEP (Individualized Education Program) to children from Nassau and Suffolk Counties and New York City. Each child’s school district is responsible for determining the type, frequency and duration of services and writes the IEP.
Variety incorporates best early childhood and special education practices including the Pyramid Model to help young children with and without disabilities thrive in a therapeutic environment that fosters relationships, problem-solving, social-emotional development and positive behavior interventions. Variety’s curriculum is compatible with New York State Next Generation Pre-K Standards.
Special Classes (SC) full-day classes for preschool students with disabilities who have learning, language, social, cognitive and behavioral impairments and challenges which meet each student’s individual needs and strengths in a therapeutic environment to prepare them for inclusion into school, family and community activities. Children to staff ratios offered include: 6:1:2; 8:1:3; and 12:1:2.
Special Classes in an Integrated Setting (SCIS): on- and off-site with ratios of 12:1:2 (six children with IEPs and six children without IEPs) and 15:1:2 (six children with IEPs and nine children without IEPs).
Special Education Itinerant Services (SEIS): Variety sends a certified special education teacher to a student’s home, school or child care center to provide special instruction to the student to help him/her/them develop skills to be integrated in a class with their peers. Related Therapies including speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, child psychological counseling and parent training.
Variety offers full-day school-age special education programs for children 5-8 years according to their IEP (Individualized Education Program) from Nassau and Suffolk Counties and New York City. Each child’s school district is responsible for determining the type, frequency and duration of services and writing the IEP. Programs are designed to address and meet each student’s needs to provide them with tools to communicate, socialize and succeed in school, at home and in the community. Curriculum is compatible with New York State Next Generation Learning Standards.
Class ratios are 8:1:3 or 12:1:3 ABA methodology may be used to best meet a student’s educational needs Curriculum follows and meets New York State Learning Standards.
Related therapies are given throughout the day and may include: speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, child psychological counseling and parent training.
Adaptive physical education classes offered.
Variety offers stand alone related therapies on-site in a therapist’s office or off-site in the child’s home, preschool or child care center.
Related therapies are provided according to the child’s IEP (Individualized Education Program) Includes speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, child psychological counseling and parent training Providers are licensed and/or certified in their profession.

We provide special education and related therapies in a therapeutic environment.
Variety offers preschool special education programs for children 3-5 according to their IEP (Individualized Education Program) to children from Nassau and Suffolk Counties and New York City. Each child’s school district is responsible for determining the type, frequency and duration of services and writes the IEP.
Variety incorporates best early childhood and special education practices including the Pyramid Model to help young children with and without disabilities thrive in a therapeutic environment that fosters relationships, problem-solving, social-emotional development and positive behavior interventions. Variety’s curriculum is compatible with New York State Next Generation Pre-K Standards.
Special Classes (SC) full-day classes for preschool students with disabilities who have learning, language, social, cognitive and behavioral impairments and challenges which meet each student’s individual needs and strengths in a therapeutic environment to prepare them for inclusion into school, family and community activities. Children to staff ratios offered include: 6:1:2; 8:1:3; and 12:1:2.
Special Classes in an Integrated Setting (SCIS): on- and off-site with ratios of 12:1:2 (six children with IEPs and six children without IEPs) and 15:1:2 (six children with IEPs and nine children without IEPs).
Special Education Itinerant Services (SEIS): Variety sends a certified special education teacher to a student’s home, school or child care center to provide special instruction to the student to help him/her/them develop skills to be integrated in a class with their peers. Related Therapies including speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, child psychological counseling and parent training.
Variety offers full-day school-age special education programs for children 5-8 years according to their IEP (Individualized Education Program) from Nassau and Suffolk Counties and New York City. Each child’s school district is responsible for determining the type, frequency and duration of services and writing the IEP. Programs are designed to address and meet each student’s needs to provide them with tools to communicate, socialize and succeed in school, at home and in the community. Curriculum is compatible with New York State Next Generation Learning Standards.
Class ratios are 8:1:3 or 12:1:3 ABA methodology may be used to best meet a student’s educational needs Curriculum follows and meets New York State Learning Standards.
Related therapies are given throughout the day and may include: speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, child psychological counseling and parent training.
Adaptive physical education classes offered.
Variety offers stand alone related therapies on-site in a therapist’s office or off-site in the child’s home, preschool or child care center.
Related therapies are provided according to the child’s IEP (Individualized Education Program) Includes speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, child psychological counseling and parent training Providers are licensed and/or certified in their profession.