VCLC’s education model and approach promote the development of partnerships with parents in all phases of their child’s education, from assessment through intervention. Parents contribute important information which helps the professional staff gain a more complete understanding of their child in all settings. Together, parents and professionals help children achieve their full potential, and their inclusion in school, home and community.
- Parents are part of their child’s interdisciplinary team.
- The interdisciplinary team includes the teacher and teaching staff, the related therapists for each service the child receives (which may include the speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, depending on IEP mandated services) and the family’s social worker.
- There are two parent/teacher conferences each year: in the fall to discuss the child’s adjustment to school, In late winter to early spring to prepare for the student’s annual review with the school district
- A social worker is assigned to every family and will meet with them for parent counseling and training as well as general discussions about their child and family.