Throughout the year, Variety Child Learning Center offers opportunities for students to fulfill their coursework requirements, gain practical experience and develop their skills.

A variety of opportunities for internships and general observations are available in the following disciplines:

  • Student Teaching
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Speech Language Pathology
  • Social Work

Contact your college career office for more information about the opportunities available, or contact us directly: Variety Child Learning Center has existing relationships with several colleges and universities, including the ones listed below, and is always looking to welcome new partners and opportunities.

Get In Touch

Throughout the year, Variety Child Learning Center offers opportunities for students to fulfill their coursework requirements, gain practical experience and develop their skills.

A variety of opportunities for internships and general observations are available in the following disciplines:

Student Teaching
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech Language Pathology
Social Work


Contact your college career office for more information about the opportunities available, or contact us directly: Variety Child Learning Center has existing relationships with several colleges and universities, including the ones listed below, and is always looking to welcome new partners and opportunities.